Friday, 11 March 2011

Friday meetings

Today I met with 2 mayors:  Carol Tayama of Agat (South) and Roke Blas and his young vice-mayor Robert Hoffman (the two work as a team) of Sinajana (Central).  I pitched them the idea that I wanted to get a group of 25-50 people (representing the broadest spectrum of residents - young/old, poor, rich, etc.) who could participate in the outreach/written survey/and speed test and they are in. 

I also met with 2 educational organizations, a magnet parochial school in Agat - Mt. Carmel (to involve their entire middle school population) and a music school, Shimbros, and they are eager to hear more.

Meeting in 45 minutes with Cesar Villanueva of GHURA.  Will update under separate entry.

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